<data:blog.pageTitle/> <data:blog.pageName/>:<data:blog.title/> Your Wealth path of least resistance ~ Work from Home Jobs

January 13, 2010

Your Wealth path of least resistance

Almost everyone has done a personality test at one time. Often, you discover things you already knew about yourself - Extroverted or Introverted, Big Picture or Detail Orientated - Interesting yes, but how does it make a difference to your life?
Wealth Dynamics is the only personality test that tells you exactly what strategy you should follow to build wealth.
Of all the vastly different ideas, strategies, businesses and investments that you could pursue, Wealth Dynamics narrows it down for you ... precisely.
Here's why...
In all of history there have only ever been eight ways to create Wealth.
It might appear to most people that there are hundreds of ways, but in actuality there are ONLY eight!
Successful entrepreneurs focus only where they are strong and unsuccessful entrepreneurs try and do it all themselves.

I Ching Trigrams
1. The Creator - Builds innovative products
Examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Richard Branson
2. The Star - Builds an influential brand
Examples: Oprah, Paul Newman, Bill Clinton
3. The Supporter - Builds high performance teams
Examples: Steve Ballmer, Jack Welch
4. The Deal Maker - Brings deals together
Examples: Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch
5. The Trader - Buying and selling commodities
Examples: George Soros
6. The Accumulator - Buying and holding assets
Examples: Warren Buffet, Paul Allen
7. The Lord - Controlling cashflow producing assets
Examples: Lakshmi Mital, Ingavar Kamprad
8. The Mechanic - Creating a duplicatable system
Examples: Michael Dell, Ray Krock
Wealth Dynamics 'Square'...

Learn more Your Wealth Profile
Stop 'Trying' so hard...
"If you are doing anything that feels like hard work, you are already doing the wrong thing"
Building Wealth isn't about fighting yourself and trying to suppress your natural behaviour. If that were true, the wealthiest people on the planet would have quit when they first became millionaires rather than still playing the game their whole life.
The real trick to building wealth is to maximise your natural strengths and the things you feel are fun. That way you will always have the energy and the drive to stick through the challenges (and EVERY wealth strategy throws up challenges that are designed to weed out the people who are just chasing the money).
How does Wealth Dynamics Maximise My Strengths?
Wealth Dynamics is a wealth profiling system which uses a psychometric test to assess your personality, strengths, productivity, values and group behaviour, to determine your most natural way to build wealth.
Up until now the only way to discover which path is right for you, has been through the process of trial and error.
You make your money in business, then lose it all on the stock market... You spend years earning money working for someone else, and then lose it all starting your own business...
Wealth Dynamics was developed to take the Trial & Error out of the process.
It provides you with a map to guide you on Your Path to Wealth, allowing you to identify which strategies, and six steps you need to be focusing on, learning about, and taking action on.
What is covered in the Wealth Dynamics Profile Results
(What you get for your US$100)
• Your Wealth Profile
This shows you the most natural activities you should focus on to Create Wealth.
• Role Models Who Share Your Wealth Profile
Which top entrepreneurs you should study and learn from.
• Your Strengths & Weaknesses as a Wealth Creator
What gets you into your flow. What are distractions and what are opportunities.
• How to Build Your Wealth Foundation
What are the first steps you should take so you don't lose your wealth later.
• Your Moment of Wealth Creation
What "Critical Moments" should you be on the lookout for.
• How to Create Value using Your Profile
How to channel your strengths in a way that the world responds favourably to.
• The Value You Need to Own
The things you should never outsource to anyone and the things you can delegate freely.
• How to Leverage Your Value to Many
How to take even small amounts of value and get it into the hands of many.
• How You Secure Your Cashflow
So you don't become a "boom-buster".
Why does this work?
Wealth Dynamics works because every person has a limited amount of time and can only focus on a few areas of business at once.
If a hollywood actor (Star) also tried to be a great agent (Deal Maker) they would most likely fail at both things, why? because they have split their time between two disciplines that each require focus and commitment.
People don't want to do business with people who seem to be unfocused and average at many things - they want to work with people who are brilliant at their chosen craft.
Wealth Dynamics helps you to get that focus and better, yet it helps you to choose the thing that you are naturally more likely to succeed at ... and enjoy!
So What?
You make more money, have more enjoyment and fulfillment and ultimately get recognised as being a leader in your chosen field.
What makes you so sure?
To date, over 20,000 entrepreneurs in over 20 countries have taken the test and discovered their profile. The overwhelming feedback from people at all levels of success tell us that knowing "Their Profile" has given them tremendous clarity, direction and a better understanding of themselves and others.
Like who?
“If you want to understand wealth. If you want to know the rules of the game. If you want to develop your strategy to win. Then look no further.”
Clive Taylor, Director, Sesai Consulting, UK
Let’s Begin ...
So, which style is right for you? ... Learn more Your Wealth Profile

It only takes 20 minutes, and remember there are no right or wrong answers ... only what is true for you!
Take the test and discover your profile today. We will email you everything you need to take the test, so you can choose to complete it now (recommended), or complete it when you have 20 minutes of un-interrupted time.
Wealth Dynamics gives each of us clarity on our path of least resistance to wealth creation: what our strategy should be, who we need in our team, how we should apply ourselves, when we should take action and - more importantly - when we should not.
Not surprisingly, what you do most naturally is also what creates the least stress and the most enjoyment. That's the point - if you're doing something that feels like hard work, you're already doing the wrong thing!

Once you have clarity on your path of least resistance, you gain incredible clarity on how to invest your time, what the next steps are, who you need to learn from, where you need to be, what you need to do - and equally important, what not to waste time on any further. From that point onwards, every step is a step in the right direction.

Discover your path of least resistance...Almost everyone has done a personality test at one time. Often, you discover things you already knew about yourself - Extroverted or Introverted, Big Picture or Detail Orientated - Interesting yes, but how does it make a difference to your life?
Wealth Dynamics is the only personality test that tells you exactly what strategy you should follow to build wealth.
Of all the vastly different ideas, strategies, businesses and investments that you could pursue, Wealth Dynamics narrows it down for you ... precisely.
Here's why...
In all of history there have only ever been eight ways to create Wealth.
It might appear to most people that there are hundreds of ways, but in actuality there are ONLY eight!
Successful entrepreneurs focus only where they are strong and unsuccessful entrepreneurs try and do it all themselves.

I Ching Trigrams
1. The Creator - Builds innovative products
Examples: Steve Jobs, Walt Disney, Richard Branson
2. The Star - Builds an influential brand
Examples: Oprah, Paul Newman, Bill Clinton
3. The Supporter - Builds high performance teams
Examples: Steve Ballmer, Jack Welch
4. The Deal Maker - Brings deals together
Examples: Donald Trump, Rupert Murdoch
5. The Trader - Buying and selling commodities
Examples: George Soros
6. The Accumulator - Buying and holding assets
Examples: Warren Buffet, Paul Allen
7. The Lord - Controlling cashflow producing assets
Examples: Lakshmi Mital, Ingavar Kamprad
8. The Mechanic - Creating a duplicatable system
Examples: Michael Dell, Ray Krock
Wealth Dynamics 'Square'...

Watch the video >>
Learn more Your Wealth Profile
Stop 'Trying' so hard...
"If you are doing anything that feels like hard work, you are already doing the wrong thing"
Building Wealth isn't about fighting yourself and trying to suppress your natural behaviour. If that were true, the wealthiest people on the planet would have quit when they first became millionaires rather than still playing the game their whole life.
The real trick to building wealth is to maximise your natural strengths and the things you feel are fun. That way you will always have the energy and the drive to stick through the challenges (and EVERY wealth strategy throws up challenges that are designed to weed out the people who are just chasing the money).
How does Wealth Dynamics Maximise My Strengths?
Wealth Dynamics is a wealth profiling system which uses a psychometric test to assess your personality, strengths, productivity, values and group behaviour, to determine your most natural way to build wealth.
Up until now the only way to discover which path is right for you, has been through the process of trial and error.
You make your money in business, then lose it all on the stock market... You spend years earning money working for someone else, and then lose it all starting your own business...
Wealth Dynamics was developed to take the Trial & Error out of the process.
It provides you with a map to guide you on Your Path to Wealth, allowing you to identify which strategies, and six steps you need to be focusing on, learning about, and taking action on.
What is covered in the Wealth Dynamics Profile Results
(What you get for your US$100)
• Your Wealth Profile
This shows you the most natural activities you should focus on to Create Wealth.
• Role Models Who Share Your Wealth Profile
Which top entrepreneurs you should study and learn from.
• Your Strengths & Weaknesses as a Wealth Creator
What gets you into your flow. What are distractions and what are opportunities.
• How to Build Your Wealth Foundation
What are the first steps you should take so you don't lose your wealth later.
• Your Moment of Wealth Creation
What "Critical Moments" should you be on the lookout for.
• How to Create Value using Your Profile
How to channel your strengths in a way that the world responds favourably to.
• The Value You Need to Own
The things you should never outsource to anyone and the things you can delegate freely.
• How to Leverage Your Value to Many
How to take even small amounts of value and get it into the hands of many.
• How You Secure Your Cashflow
So you don't become a "boom-buster".
Why does this work?
Wealth Dynamics works because every person has a limited amount of time and can only focus on a few areas of business at once.
If a hollywood actor (Star) also tried to be a great agent (Deal Maker) they would most likely fail at both things, why? because they have split their time between two disciplines that each require focus and commitment.
People don't want to do business with people who seem to be unfocused and average at many things - they want to work with people who are brilliant at their chosen craft.
Wealth Dynamics helps you to get that focus and better, yet it helps you to choose the thing that you are naturally more likely to succeed at ... and enjoy!
So What?
You make more money, have more enjoyment and fulfillment and ultimately get recognised as being a leader in your chosen field.
What makes you so sure?
To date, over 20,000 entrepreneurs in over 20 countries have taken the test and discovered their profile. The overwhelming feedback from people at all levels of success tell us that knowing "Their Profile" has given them tremendous clarity, direction and a better understanding of themselves and others.
Like who?
“If you want to understand wealth. If you want to know the rules of the game. If you want to develop your strategy to win. Then look no further.”
Clive Taylor, Director, Sesai Consulting, UK
Let’s Begin ...
So, which style is right for you? ... Learn more Your Wealth Profile

It only takes 20 minutes, and remember there are no right or wrong answers ... only what is true for you!
Take the test and discover your profile today. We will email you everything you need to take the test, so you can choose to complete it now (recommended), or complete it when you have 20 minutes of un-interrupted time.
Wealth Dynamics gives each of us clarity on our path of least resistance to wealth creation: what our strategy should be, who we need in our team, how we should apply ourselves, when we should take action and - more importantly - when we should not.
Not surprisingly, what you do most naturally is also what creates the least stress and the most enjoyment. That's the point - if you're doing something that feels like hard work, you're already doing the wrong thing!

Once you have clarity on your path of least resistance, you gain incredible clarity on how to invest your time, what the next steps are, who you need to learn from, where you need to be, what you need to do - and equally important, what not to waste time on any further. From that point onwards, every step is a step in the right direction.

Discover your path of least resistance...
Start living the life you always wanted to be..
Ever wonder why despite the media reports about economy downfall some people continue to enjoy life and are free from recession? Why does some of us lose money much faster than we earn?
Wealth Creation is a game. Which means it has must have rules, and it must be fun. If you don't know the rules, you can't win the game. And if it feels like hard work, you're doing the wrong thing.
Since the beginning of time all wealth has been created through one of eight contrasting paths. Yes, just eight paths. All successful and wealthy people achieved their success by following one path and one path only.
Which path to follow?
• Bill Gates leverages his products with other people's systems.
• Jack Welch became successful by running GE, not starting a new company.
• Richard Branson creates business, never runs them.
• Ray Kroc spread McDonald's by franchising, otherwise McDonald's would have not been every where.
• Warren Buffet is a successful investor.
No matter how many times successful people failed, they come back with full strength and follow their path. Knowing ourselves is important in whatever we do, this includes creating wealth. By taking the Wealth Profile you will know which is your natural path. Once you know your path and follow it you can create wealth effortlessly.
Roger Hamilton
Roger Hamilton, the creator and presenter of the Wealth Dynamics Experience, is a leading wealth consultant, conducting private coaching sessions for successful entrepreneurs, globally. He is the author of the international bestseller “Wink” and “Your Life, Your Legacy”, the creator of the “Wealth Dynamics” profiling system and his successes has attracted worldwide press interest.
Born in Hong Kong and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge University, he became an entrepreneur soon after getting his degree, experiencing many failures before achieving success. He now owns and runs businesses in publishing, property, event management, training and franchising.
Roger is also Chairman of the XL Results Foundation, the world’s leading entrepreneur and social enterprise network, and publisher of XL Magazine, the world’s first magazine dedicated to social enterprise. XL Results Foundation also manages a global online business network and directory, connecting entrepreneurs and business professionals’ world wide, with access to over 1000 networking events in 16 countries every month.
XL Results Foundation and Wealth Dynamics Experience programs are driven by the concept of World Wide Wealth: Empowering social enterprise and global change by increasing our collective ability to create and contribute wealth.
Here is what Roger says...
“The key to wealth isn’t in how you invest your money. It’s in how you invest your time.”
“Each day of hard work is a day further from wealth.”
“Wealth isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.”
“If you want to be rich, avoid being too smart. Intellectual analysis will kill the nature of wealth like it kills the nature of a good joke.”
“To be rich, don’t plan to succeed. Plan to fail.”
Wealth Dynamics
Roger Hamilton's unique system for understanding your personal profile and how to leverage it to realize your full potential. When we know the specific game that matches who we are, and then play our game according to its rules, we find our flow - We maximise the success of what we do. Wealth Dynamics takes the entire world of confusing, contradictory and convoluted information on wealth creation and puts it into a coherent and comprehensive system.
Discover your own personal path of least resistance - the one that fits your natural strengths and weaknesses. Discover what has led to your successes and failures, and how to personally make wealth creation faster, easier, more fulfilling and fun. Find out why your winning formulas have become losing formulas, and how to create a sustainable system of increasing cash flow that fits your natural talents and passions.
Whether you want to make money online, or do home based business, or work in an office, or a business man. This powerful program will give you clarity about who you are, your passions and your purpose. It extends further than the creation of wealth, to the creation of meaningful value and contribution to those around you.
During the two days you will learn in detail about Wealth Dynamics profiles, meet the people who are already successful and start taking action towards creating wealth successfully.
1. Clarity on the path of least resistance to success.
2. A step by step process to building the right team and focusing on the right activity.
3. Growth stages in business, giving clarity on leadership succession.
Wealth Dynamics is indispensable important tool for everyone. It provides essential formulas for step-by-step actions to reach your personal wealth.
Wealth Dynamics Experience
Event Program
This is a flight school, not a seminar. Expect to be fully active and participating!
2009 November
First day: 9am - 6pm
Gain an insight into how and why you have chosen your current wealth, how to reprogram your priorities to create a new momentum, the rules and formula of all wealth and how value is created and leveraged to create exponential results. Take the Wealth Dynamics profiling test, and gain clarity and core distinctions on how to multiply your wealth network and your future path to wealth.
Second day: 9am - 6pm
Begin the day with meeting successful people who are already applying Wealth Dynamics system. Find clarity in the different strategies to wealth creation in a powerful and spell binding participation process. Clarify your own path to wealth and a specific vision on how your wealth is created. Learn the key formulas of successful entrepreneurs and investors, and determine the steps in your own formula, with tools to keep you on an upward track of wealth creation.

Thousands of people all over the World have already been benefited by this program, developed new businesses and continue to attend this program. For the first time this program is being conducted in Japan.
Take action now. Do not miss this great opportunity.
Learn more Your Wealth Profile

Start living the life you always wanted to be..
Ever wonder why despite the media reports about economy downfall some people continue to enjoy life and are free from recession? Why does some of us lose money much faster than we earn?
Wealth Creation is a game. Which means it has must have rules, and it must be fun. If you don't know the rules, you can't win the game. And if it feels like hard work, you're doing the wrong thing.
Since the beginning of time all wealth has been created through one of eight contrasting paths. Yes, just eight paths. All successful and wealthy people achieved their success by following one path and one path only.
Which path to follow?
• Bill Gates leverages his products with other people's systems.
• Jack Welch became successful by running GE, not starting a new company.
• Richard Branson creates business, never runs them.
• Ray Kroc spread McDonald's by franchising, otherwise McDonald's would have not been every where.
• Warren Buffet is a successful investor.
No matter how many times successful people failed, they come back with full strength and follow their path. Knowing ourselves is important in whatever we do, this includes creating wealth. By taking the Wealth Profile you will know which is your natural path. Once you know your path and follow it you can create wealth effortlessly.
Roger Hamilton
Roger Hamilton, the creator and presenter of the Wealth Dynamics Experience, is a leading wealth consultant, conducting private coaching sessions for successful entrepreneurs, globally. He is the author of the international bestseller “Wink” and “Your Life, Your Legacy”, the creator of the “Wealth Dynamics” profiling system and his successes has attracted worldwide press interest.
Born in Hong Kong and educated at Trinity College, Cambridge University, he became an entrepreneur soon after getting his degree, experiencing many failures before achieving success. He now owns and runs businesses in publishing, property, event management, training and franchising.
Roger is also Chairman of the XL Results Foundation, the world’s leading entrepreneur and social enterprise network, and publisher of XL Magazine, the world’s first magazine dedicated to social enterprise. XL Results Foundation also manages a global online business network and directory, connecting entrepreneurs and business professionals’ world wide, with access to over 1000 networking events in 16 countries every month.
XL Results Foundation and Wealth Dynamics Experience programs are driven by the concept of World Wide Wealth: Empowering social enterprise and global change by increasing our collective ability to create and contribute wealth.
Here is what Roger says...
“The key to wealth isn’t in how you invest your money. It’s in how you invest your time.”
“Each day of hard work is a day further from wealth.”
“Wealth isn’t the end. It’s the beginning.”
“If you want to be rich, avoid being too smart. Intellectual analysis will kill the nature of wealth like it kills the nature of a good joke.”
“To be rich, don’t plan to succeed. Plan to fail.”
Wealth Dynamics
Roger Hamilton's unique system for understanding your personal profile and how to leverage it to realize your full potential. When we know the specific game that matches who we are, and then play our game according to its rules, we find our flow - We maximise the success of what we do. Wealth Dynamics takes the entire world of confusing, contradictory and convoluted information on wealth creation and puts it into a coherent and comprehensive system.
Discover your own personal path of least resistance - the one that fits your natural strengths and weaknesses. Discover what has led to your successes and failures, and how to personally make wealth creation faster, easier, more fulfilling and fun. Find out why your winning formulas have become losing formulas, and how to create a sustainable system of increasing cash flow that fits your natural talents and passions.
Whether you want to make money online, or do home based business, or work in an office, or a business man. This powerful program will give you clarity about who you are, your passions and your purpose. It extends further than the creation of wealth, to the creation of meaningful value and contribution to those around you.
During the two days you will learn in detail about Wealth Dynamics profiles, meet the people who are already successful and start taking action towards creating wealth successfully.
1. Clarity on the path of least resistance to success.
2. A step by step process to building the right team and focusing on the right activity.
3. Growth stages in business, giving clarity on leadership succession.
Wealth Dynamics is indispensable important tool for everyone. It provides essential formulas for step-by-step actions to reach your personal wealth.
Wealth Dynamics Experience
Event Program
This is a flight school, not a seminar. Expect to be fully active and participating!
2009 November
First day: 9am - 6pm
Gain an insight into how and why you have chosen your current wealth, how to reprogram your priorities to create a new momentum, the rules and formula of all wealth and how value is created and leveraged to create exponential results. Take the Wealth Dynamics profiling test, and gain clarity and core distinctions on how to multiply your wealth network and your future path to wealth.
Second day: 9am - 6pm
Begin the day with meeting successful people who are already applying Wealth Dynamics system. Find clarity in the different strategies to wealth creation in a powerful and spell binding participation process. Clarify your own path to wealth and a specific vision on how your wealth is created. Learn the key formulas of successful entrepreneurs and investors, and determine the steps in your own formula, with tools to keep you on an upward track of wealth creation.

Thousands of people all over the World have already been benefited by this program, developed new businesses and continue to attend this program. For the first time this program is being conducted in Japan.
Take action now. Do not miss this great opportunity.
Learn more Your Wealth Profile

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